Welcome to the Capacity Building Programme of the Be-Smart project!
We have created this online learning experience so you can access different content related to the BIPV technology and EPoG elements at your own pace. All the information has been divided into four modules and you can decide which one adjust best to your professional ambitions and interests.
Overview | Duration | |
Module 1 | The Be-Smart Project: an overview | 134 minutes |
Module 2 | The BIPV Technology – Technical aspects | 30:59 minutes |
Module 3 | The BIPV Technology – Assessments & Evaluation | 44:47 minutes |
Module 4 | The BIPV Technology – Trends, prospects & funding opportunities | 46:04 minutes |

Module 1
The Be-Smart Project: an overview
This module is open to the general audience, people who want to learn about the Be-Smart project and the technology that is being developed. You will also have the opportunity to meet some of the partners and better understand their role in the project thanks to different short interviews included at the end of the Module.
Introduction and today’s demand on BIPV
The BE-SMART project: objectives and benefits
Watch video (5:30 minutes) Download PDF (1.5mb)
Technological solutions developed by the BE-SMART project
Watch video (8:38 minutes) Download PDF (11mb)
Consortium members and main stakeholders involved
Module 2
The BIPV Technology – Technical aspects
After the brief introduction, Module 2 aims to strengthen the information available about the BIPV technology. The main objective is that you understand some aspects of BIPV modules design, especially regarding safety and reliability testing. You will learn about the state of the art of best practices and have answers to some of the frequently asked questions: what are the materials used for this technology?, how safe are they?, how long does BIPV last?.
The expected audience includes architects, builders, building owners, BIPV installers, among others.
Multifunctional EPOGs – Module reliability & manufacturing process
Watch video (9:03 minutes) Download PDF (1.8mb)
Multifunctional EPOGs – colour and multi-functionality
Watch video (12:07 minutes) Download PDF (1.4mb)
Glass production for BIPV
Module 3
The BIPV Technology – Assessments & Evaluation
This 3rd module is aimed at architects, builders, building owners, BIPV installers, and policymakers. A full economic calculation based on the technical aspects is carried out, considering the different typologies of buildings, among others. You will also have the opportunity to compare BIPV/EPOG to conventional building materials, including appearance, installation, insulation properties, customer feedback, maintenance, and lifetime.
Energetic evaluation
Watch video (8:28 minutes) Download PDF (2.1mb)
Energetic evaluation tutorial
Economic evaluation
Watch video (12:08 minutes) Download PDF (2mb)
Performance assessment of BIPV systems: research on characterization methods
Module 4
The BIPV Technology – Trends, prospects & funding opportunities
This last module is recommended for the general public as it provides useful information regarding what we can expect from this technology in the upcoming years and funding and financing opportunities. You can also have a look at the platform, which is a valuable tool for different stakeholders of the value chain.
Photovoltaic Technology trends
Watch video (12:02 minutes) Download PDF (1.2mb)
Watch video (7:56 minutes) Download PDF (2.7mb)